Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sin Cara

So far this highly talented foreign superstar has seen himself hyped to the high heavens by both WWE and word of mouth through marks. Since debuting however, it seems all the internet has been doing for him is burying him. After hearing reports that Vince was furious after Sin Cara's botched entrances and finish with Primo I really have to ask if these reports hold any merit.

The report said Vince was so furious over the entrance and he might fire Sin Cara? Really? He cleared the rope he just hit it a little bit, hardly the end of the world, and most non-marks probably didn't even realize the small error. Now people are reporting Sin Cara claimed his matches in Mexico were shoots... I just don't buy it. You're telling me with Del Rio and Mysterio sharing the same locker room he would make up an elaborate lie and expect neither Mexican star to call his bluff? Sounds like fabricated bullshit to me.

I would have thought the internet would embrace the idea of a highly skilled high flyer receiving a push in the WWE. This is exactly the type of guy everyone complains about getting "WWE treatment" for being too small, but now that WWE is giving the people what they want, they are acting like they don't want it anymore. The guy is damn good, even if he botches some moves every now and again, but he's a high flyer, of course he botches moves! So does Mysterio, RVD, Jeff Hardy, Paul London, and anyone else who wrestles a high risk style. From the work I have seen of his on You Tube he seems to do so less than most of those guys. The guy has a ton of pressure with all the hype, and he's trying to adjust to the WWE style and size of the ring on the fly, cut him some slack. Show some support for a guy who could pave the way for guys like Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne being taken more seriously.

However, at this point if WWE were to make Daniel Bryan the next Bret Hart and give him a spot in the main event, I'm sure marks would bury him just to be obnoxious. You can already see people change their tune on Daniel Bryan, probably to look non-conformist and take the opposite stand point when the guy gets famous. As if nobody knew who Bryan Danielson was and now that hes mainstream you can't like him, so you have to be cool and go against him. I just don't get why everyone chanted his name when he was fired and convinced WWE to bring him back, but now that he's back in WWE you rarely hear any chants and people want him to return to the indies. You want proof people turn on their beloved stars, look at some of the posts from fans on Twitter when ROH announced Tyler Black signed with WWE.

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